jueves, 26 de julio de 2007

If the stone would say. / Si la piedra dijese.

If the stone would say: "A stone cannot build a house", there would be no house; if the drop would say: "A drop cannot make a river", there would be no river neither ocean; if the grain would say: "A grain cannot seed a field", there would be no harvest. And if the human being would say: "A gesture of love cannot save humanity", then, there would have never been justice, neither peace, nor dignity, nor happiness on the land. —Anonymous, translation from Spanish

Si la piedra dijese: "Una piedra no puede construir una casa", no habría casa; si la gota dijese: "Una gota no puede formar un río", no habría río ni océano; si el grano dijese: "Un grano no puede sembrar un campo", no habría cosecha. Y si el ser humano dijese: "Un gesto de amor no puede salvar a la humanidad", entonces, jamás llegaría a haber justicia, ni paz, ni dignidad, ni felicidad sobre la tierra.

Fuente: Brother Veritus Website

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